The comments were against another child.
Tips for Conversation about Hate Speech (11-14):
1. Explain to your tween/teen that you were notified about some hate speech in their game. Explain that hate speech is abusive language based on prejudice against someone for their race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.
2. Teach them that even if others use certain hateful words, those words are unacceptable in your family.
3. Let your child know that this kind of language could continue if none of the kids in the game speak up to say they disagree/do not think it is ok to use that kind of language. Discuss ways of being a positive bystander or upstander. Encourage your child to speak up when they hear hate speech or report it to the game company. Help your child practice what they could say, such as “Hey–we don’t talk like that here–that’s offensive” or “Come on guys, there’s no need to say that.”
4. Let them know that if they’re not sure whether something is hate speech you are open to discussing it with them and would like to help them decide if they should respond in some way.
Recommendations written by Kidas Experts.