Hate Speech Recommendations – 2nd Notification

The comments were against another child.


Tips for conversation with kids (11-14)

1. Explain to your tween/teen that you were notified about some hate speech in their game. Explain that hate speech is abusive language based on prejudice against someone for their race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

2. Notify your child that it’s not the first time KIDAS has alerted you about these comments. Ask your child if they understand what is considered hate speech and how other gamers may feel when someone is making these insults against them.

3. Teach your child about how to be an upstander in the game and how they can make the change for others. They can refute the comments and say “it’s not true”, “stop making those comments”. They can also show their support to the victim and write them a personal message.

4. Another way to stop gamers from continuing with this abusive language is to report the gamer because their behavior is against the rules of the game. You can use this link to find the relevant steps for reporting. ​​​​https://getkidas.com/how-to-report-players-in-video-games/

Recommendations written by Kidas Experts.