Toxic Gaming Behavior: Spamming

This week, we are talking about the toxic gaming behavior: spamming in gaming. For parents, spamming is a term that is familiar. Since before the age of the internet, spamming was happening. Although the term was not coined, spamming began in the 1800’s when British politicians were targeted. Once computers were invented, spamming became more widespread and common.

What is Spamming in gaming?

Spamming is referred to as the use of messaging to contact multiple unsolicited recipients. It can be used for the purpose of advertising something, or even just sending the same unsolicited message to someone over and over again. Spamming, in the context of video games, refers to the repeated use of the same item or action. In fighting games, one form of spamming would be to execute the same offensive maneuver or combo many times in succession. A spammer is a nuisance in the game. There are many types of spamming.

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Types of Spamming

There are many different types of spamming. While we may be most familiar with email spam, spamming takes place in a different way in video games. Some types of spamming include:

Chat Spamming: The repetition of a word or a message typed out by a player using the gaming chat system. This is where the spammer floods the chat or the server with incessant messaging.

Grenade Spamming: This is when a player throws multiple grenades into a specific area in a game.

Weapon spamming: The use of a large amount of ammunition irrespective of having any visible targets.

While these are just a few types of spamming, there are numerous others.

Spamming is one of the lowest reported toxic behaviors compared to others but is reported in many matches. While it may be the lowest reported toxic behaviour, spamming reduces the chances of winning.

Examples of Spamming