Building a Safe Haven: How to Start a Gaming Club or Community at Your School

Are you passionate about gaming and looking to bring like-minded individuals together in a safe and supportive environment? Starting a gaming club or community at your school is an excellent way to do just that. Not only does it provide a space for gamers to connect and share their love for gaming, but it also fosters teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. These are all skills that any school is looking for their students to exhibit. However, amidst the excitement of launching your gaming club, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and ensure a positive experience for all members. Without setting the expectations right from the beginning, you run the risk of creating a toxic environment which you want to avoid at all costs. There are any ways to keep your gaming group positive, so let’s dive in. 

Gaming club

7 Steps to Start a Gaming Club or Community

1. Define Your Vision

Before diving into the logistics, take some time to envision what you want your gaming club to be. After all, you are prepared to create this club, so it should be everything you want it to be and more. Consider the types of games you want to focus on, the atmosphere you want to create, and the goals you hope to achieve. Whether it’s casual gaming sessions, competitive tournaments, or educational workshops, having a clear vision will guide your planning process while also setting the stage for the right gamers to join you in this exciting vision.

2. Gather Support

Next, rally support from fellow students, faculty members, and school administrators. When setting up a school club or community, it is essential that you have at least one faculty member on board who is willing to vouch for you and your vision. Present your vision for the gaming club and emphasize the potential benefits, such as promoting inclusivity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. With these goals, how can faculty members and administrator say no?! Having backing from school officials can help secure funding, access to facilities, and other resources necessary for a successful launch.

3. Establish Ground Rules

Safety should be a top priority when setting up a gaming club. In July of 2022, a survey in the US documented that 76% of respondents stated that they had been called offensive names while playing video games, while 86% of responding gamers had encountered online harassment. When establishing your own school club or community, you don’t want to create one that will add to the already very high numbers of toxicity. Establish clear guidelines regarding behavior, language, and content to ensure a welcoming and respectful environment for all members. Emphasize the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and respect for others’ boundaries. Consider implementing a code of conduct and appointing moderators to enforce it.

4. Utilize Technology

Incorporate technology to enhance safety and communication within your gaming community. Platforms like Discord offer features such as moderation bots, chat filters, and voice chat channels, which can help monitor and manage interactions effectively. Consider integrating tools like ProtectMe for your schools gaming PC’s or Discord servers to monitor for toxicity. By installing software to keep your gaming community safe, you are starting off on the right foot, the gamers in your community will be aware of the safety expectations and you will create a positive gaming community from step one. Incorporating technology is a great way  to provide additional layers of protection against inappropriate content and harmful behavior.

5. Educate Members

Educate members about online safety and responsible gaming practices. Discuss topics such as cyberbullying, privacy protection, and healthy gaming habits. Encourage open dialogue and provide resources for those who may need support or guidance. By fostering a culture of awareness and accountability, you can help ensure a safer gaming environment for everyone.

6. Promote Inclusivity

Make an effort to welcome gamers of all backgrounds, skill levels, and interests. Organize events and activities that cater to diverse preferences and encourage participation from all members. Celebrate different gaming genres, cultures, and perspectives to create a sense of belonging and unity within the community.

7. Monitor and Adapt

Continuously monitor the dynamics of your gaming club and be prepared to adapt to the needs and feedback of your members. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your safety measures and make adjustments as necessary. Encourage open communication and transparency to address any concerns or issues that may arise promptly.


Starting a gaming club or community at your school can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor, but it’s essential to prioritize safety every step of the way. By establishing clear guidelines, leveraging technology, and promoting inclusivity, you can create a welcoming and secure environment where gamers can thrive and connect. Together, let’s build a safe haven where all are welcome to game, learn, and grow.