I am a mom and I wanted to share with you how my son was harassed while playing Roblox and using Discord and how having Kidas installed on his computer saved both him and my family.

A few months ago, I saw some changes in my son’s behavior. We are usually very open about discussing social aspects of his life and he usually shares a lot, but I could tell that something was going on. With the pandemic and being in and out of in-person school, there have been a lot of changes for him, but something just wasn’t sitting well with me. He kept saying that everything was just fine and that there wasn’t anything to worry about. He was spending a lot of time in his room on his computer, and I had a feeling there was something going on that he didn’t feel quite comfortable sharing.
I usually follow my gut feeling, and my gut was telling me something was wrong. My first suspect was his PC games since he spends a lot of his time at home online due to the first COVID outbreak. While his gaming time was more limited before the pandemic, the loss of sports and social activities forced him online for all aspects of his life and gaming quickly became his number 1 hobby.
I came across ProtectMe by Kidas and decided to give it a try. I installed the software on his new PC that he received for his birthday and after just one week, I was astonished by what I saw – he was being extorted by some of his school friends in Roblox. They threatened him and forced him to give them Robux (the Roblox currency). They threatened that they would physically hurt him at school if he refused. After receiving the ProtectMe report, I sat him down and spoke with him about it. I quickly realized that he was too embarrassed and frightened to share with me that he was being cyberbullied by kids that he thought were his friends. Luckily, ProtectMe by Kidas alerted me of the situation and together with my son, we were able to deal with the threats and extortion together.
Week after week, I am sent alerts about threats that he encounters while gaming. Each report allows us to discuss what the gaming environment is like, what games he should and should not be playing as well as the types of people he is playing with. ProtectMe by Kidas is a product that I strongly believe in and believe that every parent should install on their child’s computer. I decided that I would make it my life goal to ensure that no other kids go through what my son went through. After reaching out to the company, I am grateful to be part of their team.
Please learn from my experience and consider ProtectMe by Kidas for your child. The best part is that you can try it for free for 30 days.