Roblox Scams to Look For

Like many other online games, there are many scams associated with Roblox. With the invention of in-game currency and online game play, there are more and more opportunities for scammers to reach their prey. Roblox was created for players 13+, however, about half of the users on Roblox are under the age of 12. With such a young group of children playing, it is likely that they will find and engage in Roblox scams. Children are extremely trusting, in this case, to a fault, which leaves them in a bad spot. By signing up for Kidas, you will receive alerts of any suspicious activity which can help prevent Roblox scams. Let’s take a look at some of the most common Roblox scams you should be aware of.

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Don’t trust people you don’t know on the Internet

We have heard, read and seen too many stories to count about players trusting one another. While many people play Roblox with their friends, there are millions of other players who are strangers. Roblox players purchase items with Robux that they love and cherish for their game play. They use them for many different reasons and they also trade them. When trading items from the catalogue, it’s very important to know what you are trading and who you are trading with. It is also important to note that if your child gets scammed, there is no one to help. Contacting Roblox will get you no where as people are being scammed all the time and it is out of their control.

An 11-year old girl, who begged her parents for 20,000 Robux during the pandemic, bought two new faces for her avatar and was scammed for them the very next day. She was tricked by another player in a trade and after he stole her faces, he blocked her so that she couldn’t find him. Scams like this happen frequently on Roblox. While your child is playing, there are many other players who are skilled in taking advantage of children. It is important to remind your child that they shouldn’t trust people they don’t know.

With all of this said, we have heard the same stories relating to children and people they know as well, people they call “friends”. Be aware of this as well.

Roblox scams are designed to do three things:

  1. Steal your Robux
  2. Steal your username and password
  3. Steal your items

Like Fortnite V-bucks, there is no such thing as FREE Robux.

The Most Common Types of Robux Scams

  1. In the game chat, your child may receive a message that says “Want free R$? Check out this link to get your free Robux!” There are many malicious accounts that send out mass messages to random users with malicious links. Clicking on the links in the message is dangerous.
  2. Many gamers watch streams to learn more about Roblox or for entertainment purposes. There are many accounts on Twitch, YouTube and other streaming websites that claim that you will get free Robux if you leave your handle in the comments or in the chat. If they are requesting this information then they are FAKE streams. Do not click any links associated with these streams.
  3. Sites that ask you to share your Roblox username and password are not legitimate. Whether they sites come in the form of a pop-up, or you find them online, do not share your information in hopes of receiving free Robux.
  4. App Exchange – This is when you are asked to download an app in exchange for free Robux. They claim that you can download the app and then it will walk you through a series of steps to get your “free Robux”. Do not download anything on your phone in hopes of this being fulfilled.
  5. The same way downloading something on your phone can be dangerous, downloading something on your PC can do a lot of damage. Once you click to download something on your PC, it can cause a lot of harm. These programs are designed to run in the background to search and steal all of your Robux account items.
  6. Adding script to your browser: This is called a Javascript attack. You may be asked by videos or a website to paste a script into your browsers that will give you access to free Robux. You should never add anything like this to your computer. By adding the code, you are unlocking the door to your Roblox account and giving free access to all of your Roblox items as well as any Robux in your account. Be careful.
  7. Stealing your account through cookies: This is a very advanced way to steal someone’s account. Many times when you login to Roblox, you don’t need to enter your password because your browser holds onto the authentication inside a cookie. An attacker only needs to take the stolen cookie, place it in their browser and then refresh the page. When this happens, you would never know that someone was in your account stealing everything from you. This is called cookie scraping.

Ensure that you speak with your child about Roblox scams so that they know what they look like. This will help them avoid scams, falling into any traps of sharing their information or attempting to earn free Robux.

Has you child ever been scammed on Roblox?