The Hidden Dangers in Roblox...
Roblox is a popular game that kids of all ages enjoy. However, parents and kids should be aware...
Your Child's World Starts Here.
This blog is dedicated to keeping you, the parent, up to date with events and trends that may affect your child's behavior and gaming. Our goal with this blog is to bridge the communication gap between the parent and the child in this digital age. For great tips and to connect with like-minded parents Join our community of parents raising tweens & teens in a digital age.
Roblox is a popular game that kids of all ages enjoy. However, parents and kids should be aware...
There are many types of gamers. Most players sign on to a game and are looking to have a good ...
We have all been on the internet and there is no question that you can find anything you are ...
Your child wants a Roblox account. Because “all the kids at school play it, Mom!” and “I...
We have covered hate speech in our toxic gaming series, but today, we are talking about ...
When it comes to gaming for younger kids, Roblox is a great place to start. There are many ...
Minecraft is full of benefits outside of the enjoyment it brings kids. From educational ...
What are microtransactions and what are the issues with them? In my house, I am frequently ...
In our Guide to Toxic Gaming Behavior, we are talking about Swatting. Swatting is considered to...